I ended up using this tool much more than I thought at the beginning. Especially for other bigger projects, this brick wall HDA has proven itself to be very practical. It won't build an entire medieval Disney castle, but if you're looking for a fast brick wall tool that can handle brick variations well and offers the option for both rounded and sharp corners, then this one is for you.

With just a single curve, you can generate your own brick wall or work on the default one if you prefer.

You have a variety of options to alter your wall: length, width, and height of each brick, as well as for the wall separately. You can add noise and randomness to the overall appearance, and later, you can work on individual bricks to give your wall a completely different look.

At the individual brick level, you have countless ways to tweak its appearance, dramatically influencing the overall look of the wall. From medieval-style section to a classic, more generic design. Let' say you have some option here to go wild.